They say that one of the things that makes children ready to succeed once they are out of school is all of the extra curricular activities that you do along the way. While you might need classes in math if you want to work in a bank or grammar if you want to be a writer, it is going to be all of the other things that you do that make you a well rounded person that people want to hire. This is why, whether it is sports or something else, every child should have some sort of after school activity that they can spend some time on.
If you're on a site like this then the first extra curricular activity that might come to mind is sports. There are lots of kids who love being a part of a team or even working out at home with fitness equipment. Toronto to Tokyo, you will find that there are lots of different sports to choose from that can make use of a wide variety of physical talents. While some kids might be a natural at playing soccer or baseball, others might fall in love with tennis, downhill skiing or rowing. If you find that your child is not all that keen on one sport, try some others before you let them go without physical activity.
Another common choice for extra curricular activities is the arts. It has been proven that there are many benefits to putting your child in a class where they can learn an instrument or or how to do oil canvas painting when it comes to the rest of their learning. Those that do well in school are usually those that have some sort of artistic outlet in their life. They might play the piano and practice for one hour every day or just be someone who loves to write and act out stories with their friends in the backyard on the weekend.
Volunteerism and leadership is something that you will find many schools are looking for when it comes to admission but it can be a fun and exciting choice for extra curricular activity as well. It is about more then just making motivational posters or giving back. You could also meet some great people and develop skills that will help you later in life. Choosing to volunteer is something that everyone should find the time to do at least every once in a while. You could volunteer at a food bank near you or join student council at school. For example, staff at Expressions Dental Centre encourage high school students to come into their office and volunteer to earn hours for their credit towards their diploma. They feel it gives each student a glimpse at a career as well as giving back to society. Check in your own area to see if local businesses are offering the same kind of opportunity.